Saturday, February 20, 2010

Move To Ohio Driver Licence Speeding Ticket So Im Just Wondering How Ticketing Works In Canada When A U.S. Driver Is Ticketed.?

So Im just wondering how ticketing works in Canada when a U.S. driver is ticketed.? - move to ohio driver licence speeding ticket

Heres the situation that I lived in the U.S. and still has a license in Ohio. I moved to Ontario and got into an accident) (guilty and received a parking ticket - my first two. Anyway I live in Alberta and would like my American license for the sharing of Alberta book. When I process, as I understand is the licensing office, you simply bring your license and give the PR-u.

Im so am wondering if my driver's license and enter into the system for me? Or maybe my American driver's license number? I wonder how Ontario offers you the ticket ... Sending Information to the States, then? I asked myself for the good insurance ... could be advantageous to start with a simple beginner?


helpful bob said...

Now, a license when it was believed that the ID of the ticket. Do not pay my understanding of the people in the United States, the fine if the ID Act, but of course to pay. Also you have the ticket in Ontario, a province different all together. I have a ticket in another province and I am also relates to proceedings against my license, but not in reality it is. But keep in mind that if anything, in Ontario and received a ticket that suddenly, that is a nice track and taking into account the fine is not even able to pay rises to say.
Basically my understanding that the acceleration of your license, you have now and if you have a license in Alberta, which should not be. Note that you do notOntario noted that ticket to the new insurance company that you get. There is a toll free phone number you find for the Department of Transportation in the directory, that these issues can make, but just not his name to be so sure. In addition to not by name anyway ask.

UCANTCME said...

Try this site to see if you can find what you want and good luck. ...

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