Thursday, January 21, 2010

Football Helmet Repainting What Is The Best Way To Restore The Shine On A Scratched Up And Dull Football Helmet?

What is the best way to restore the shine on a scratched up and dull football helmet? - football helmet repainting

The federal government is not willing to paint, and you are looking for a solution less costly than the Polish team $ 200.00. Car wax is a plant or some other type of house solution?


wordywiz... said...

Car wax works very well - I used it. It has a few paint scratches.


Naked bike rider said...

Not sure that the United States, but here in the United Kingdom, you can call the car Tcut Polish minor scratches and give a high gloss. All Auto Store will have something similar Suppi.
Brasso work - is (of course) a coating of metal, which is very abrasive and will do it.

Frisbee said...

the principle of all helmets to meet

or nail polish works well if you do not like my first idea

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